Church Staff and Council Members
2025 Council
Chairman: Gene Starke
Vice Chairman: Fred Holasek
Secretary: Tracy Jackson
Treasurer: Angie Litzau
Head Usher: Jason Lyons
Elders: Neil Hecksel (Co-Chair), Dan Heiraas (Co-Chair), Keith Christen, Stewart Ruwersma, Jr., Don Hoof, Gaylen Schoenfeld
Trustees: Jim Hoof (Chair), Dave Dressler, Steve Dietel
Board of Education: Mandy Lyons (Chair), Tracy Peterson, Thomas Schoenfeld
Stewardship: Kim Reed (Chair), Darlene Schmidt, Julie Dial
Auditors: Jen Thiry (Chair), Bonnie Johnson, Barb Kegler
Cemetery Supervisor: Dave Wroge, Darian Litzau (Assistant)